Pakistan: Security Challenges and the Hard State Dilemma

Pakistan’s security situation has long evolved as a consequence of the complex intersection of multiple factors, including geopolitical dilemmas, internal dissension, and history. The recently suggested notion of Pakistan being a hard state—one that prioritises security over other aspects of governance and socio-economic development—is being widely debated in drawing rooms, a select few editorials and op-eds, and YouTube vlogs.
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Assad’s Downfall and Its Implications for Pakistan

Israel has carried out over 300 airstrikes decimating Syrian military infrastructure and equipment, while the US has also carried out over 100 bombing missions on Islamic State targets in Syria. There seems to be a fear that the Islamic State or al-Qaeda may use Syria as a foothold, making things unclear enough for any nation to start a discussion on relationships with the new administration yet.
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Bannu & The Operation

Things were difficult for the Pakistan Army to begin with, to say the least, but with the wave that is sweeping across Khyber Pakhtunkhwa now, things have gotten tremendously more difficult. To be honest, for the people who were planning to cause unrest in Pakistan, they couldn’t have imagined things getting this bad, this quickly.
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