Syed Khalid Muhammad, Executive Director – CommandEleven, spoke with  Arab News’ Naimat Khan about Pakistan’s decision to shut down 18 iNGOs.


“While we believe that some INGOs do operate in the best interests of Pakistan and its citizens, we can’t apply that to all the iNGOs operating across the country.

Many are offering ‘campaigns’ in areas that are considered security-sensitive, putting LEAs & security services under pressure to protect them from domestic groups that don’t share their opinions.

Additionally, some of these groups are being used by foreign intelligence to gather demographics and information about areas that foreigners can’t easily enter or interact in.

Realistically, Pakistan is at a state in the geopolitical war so that we require more details and more credible information on the real activities of these INGOs that maintain massive budgets and ‘operations’ throughout Pakistan. There are times when Pakistan should consider a FARA type legislation to be able to accomplish this mammoth task without hearing the false cries of restrictions on social welfare activities.”

The full interview can be read here.