ISKP Escalation in Afghanistan

Syed Khalid Muhammad, CommandEleven Executive Director, joined Syed Shabahat Ali on PTV World’s Fault Lines to discuss the escalation of violence in Afghanistan by Islamic State – Khorasan Province (ISKP) in recent months and indications of what the future of the conflict holds for both Afghanistan and Pakistan.
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Demystifing Daesh (ISKP)

Syed Khalid Muhammad, CommandEleven Executive Director, was a guest on Syed Shabahat Ali’s Fault Lines program to discuss the Islamic State and its expansion into Afghanistan and the Indian sub-continent. Khalid goes into specific detail on what brought ISKP into existence, the similarities between the Tehrik-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) and the difference with the Afghan Taliban.
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Indeed, even this benevolent soul who with the passage of time fell for his abductor, did not voluntarily stroll into the net. The hunters, like the commanders on the battlefield, go great lengths to persuade their game walk into the killing zone. It’s quite a feat, and some of us obviously like to claim credit – even if the prey got into trouble without our help.
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Will They Go Peacefully?

This is the one sacrosanct element that holds a nation together and if demolished brings the country down with it. Thus, all nations have such a Center of Gravity and it is usually found in their democracy or their people, may be in their government or even in their economy etc. but in Pakistan it has been the Pakistan Army. This was always by default rather than design.
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Tyranny of Misrule

We now have people in power, preaching to the rest of us lowly mortals with rhetoric of the righteous yet they display a black heart – hypocrisy at its best. It would even be funny and quite hilarious, had the consequence of their incompetence, indifference and lack of capacity not be as damning for the people as it is.
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