
When we launched CommandEleven on 6th September, 2015, we never explained what our vision or objectives were outside the core leadership team. Publicly, our first objective was to become a voice an opinion makers and policy advisors, as a think tank. Privately, due to our own personal relationships and experience, we built networks.
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Method to Madness or Just Simply Mad

A lot has been written about the present environment in the country and even more has been debated around the pulls and pushes of a political conflict that is going nowhere. A conflict that is recognised to be one between a coalition of tainted people, rejected by the populous, dubious, corrupt characters – each with a skeleton in their respective cupboard standing against the one single largest popular party within the country that insists that it was removed from power by deceit, fraud and treachery. It’s this Coalition versus the people
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Pakistan’s War on Terror

Syed Khalid Muhammad, Executive Director – CommandEleven, joined Syed Shabahat Ali on Fault Lines to discuss Pakistan’s War on Terror and the current security dynamics in the country with the resurgence of the Tehrik-i-Taliban (TTP) and Islamic State – Khorasan Province (ISKP).
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The Techocrat Thought

A few days ago, I released an article, which will be published shortly in a couple of magazines. One of the recommendations in the article related to a ‘technocrat government’, a concept that I have been advocating of and on since quite a while now. Having read the article, Haider Raza Mehdi, a journalist and analyst, was highly critical of my suggestions.
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China Lifting Ban on Makki

Syed Khalid Muhammad, CommandEleven Executive Director, spoke with RT’s Runjhun Sharma on The Weekly programme on the potential impact between China-Pakistan and India-Pakistan relations due to China lifting their ban of Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) Deputy Chief Abdul Rehman Makki being added to the United Nation’s terrorist ban list.
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The Art of Statecraft

Pakistan, a unique State that came into existence in 1947 and ever since then has remained in search of a national identity. The justification for demanding and then acquiring a separate homeland is vehemently supported by the ‘two nation theory’. That is usually explained as that Hindus and Muslims were two separate nations and could never live together.
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