The Current Situation on the Pak-Afghan Border

The Insiders host, Syed Khalid Muhammad, takes a few moments to discuss what is happening on the Pak-Afghan border and the situation in Afghanistan. Khalid speaks in relative detail about the reasons for the Taliban is unable to remove or restrain the Tehreek-e-Taliban (TTP) cross-border attacks against Pakistan, sharing insight on what would happen if the TTP were expelled and what the potential next moves are for the Islamic State – Khorasan Province.
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Is Deporting Afghan Refugees Enough for Pakistan’s Security?

Salman Lali, a Contributing Fellow at CommandEleven, joined Yasmeen Ali to discuss the implications and complications that will arise from deporting Afghan refugees back to Afghanistan. Salman spoke in detail about the security and humanitarian concerns that will develop as a result of the Government of Pakistan’s decision to re-start the deportment of Afghans from Pakistan, even if they have a valid Afghan Refugee card.
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