Mirza Abdul Aleem Baig

The Digital Arms Race and the New Cold War 4

Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Quantum Computing (QC) are at the center of the strategic competition between the United States and China, shaping military capabilities, economic dominance, and techno-geopolitical influence in ways that will define the future of global power structures. This competition is not merely about technological progress but rather a battle for supremacy in national security, economic leadership, and military superiority.
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The Essence of Coexistence: Connecting Human Thought and Artificial Consciousness

The rapid development of artificial intelligence (AI) presents a unique opportunity for humanity, urging us to explore the potential for a harmonious coexistence between human and AI. At the heart of this exploration lies a profound question: how can we build a bridge that connects these two domains to foster a better world for all?
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Beyond Borders Supremacy: The New AI Arms Race

With implications spanning military, economic, and strategic domains, the race for AI dominance has captured the attention of global stakeholders and raised profound questions about the future of warfare, governance, human society and geopolitics. The battle for dominance in shaping crucial technologies has been a hallmark of the tech industry since its inception. Today, the geopolitical struggle for control over emerging AI, includes both the software and hardware, indispensable for advancing these capabilities.
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Technopolitika: Role of AI in Shaping Global Geopolitical Dynamics

We are living in an era of high-tech euphoria noticeable by geopolitical doom-and-gloom. In the constantly evolving landscape of geopolitics and international relations, a new player has emerged to reshape the curves of global power dynamics – Artificial Intelligence (AI). As nations around the world contest to harness the potential of AI technologies, the geopolitical implications of this technological revolution are becoming increasingly pronounced.
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