Geo-political alliances and partnerships are always based on mutual benefit where stronger party will always have a larger share of pie.
Pakistan’s relationship with the USA is no different, but it reached a historically low point because the USA is demanding the entire pie. Well, too bad, so sad.
Pakistan has found a new partner in China.
Pakistan is also working on a stronger relationship with Russia and regional players like Iran.
Is this enough though?
No, Pakistan can’t be fully dependable on China and Russia either, and MUST have strong trade relationships with countries like Canada, Brazil, Germany, and other strong economies.
Good relations between two countries are based on trade and economic benefit for both parties. Economic and trade viability of a relationship plays a key factor in:
determining the strength of a relationship and
how the countries can work together in fending off threats to their interests at a global scale.
The Trump administration has alleged that it believes CPEC is going through disputed territory. This statement is just the tip of an iceberg as it could be a prelude to trade sanctions/restrictions on Pakistan. It is time to act fast and find trading partners in order to preempt trade sanctions by the USA.