Submission Guidelines

CommandEleven is always looking for talented analysts to contribute to our platform. If you consider yourself a talented analyst, pl" />

Submission Guidelines

CommandEleven is always looking for talented analysts to contribute to our platform. If you consider yourself a talented analyst, please review the guidelines below.

Submission Information

CommandEleven is always looking for talented analysts to contribute to our platform. If you consider yourself a talented analyst, please review the guidelines below.

Article and Research Submission Guidelines

CommandEleven maintains an open-door policy for article and research paper submissions, as long as it follows the guidelines defined below.

CommandEleven accepts original and evidence-based articles and research papers that add value to our existing published base. Whether article or research paper, it must have clarity of argument and uses an appropriate methodology that is workable and applicable to our platform.

Articles and research papers must be in MS Word, with corresponding text, tables and figures in a single Microsoft Word document. Only Electronic submission (Soft Form) of manuscripts is allowed.

Article and Research Topics

CommandEleven is open to consider articles and research papers on the following topics:

    • Security and Strategic Studies
    • Nuclear Deterrence and Non-Proliferation
    • Arms Control and Disarmament
    • Geopolitical Issues
    • Terrorism & Counter-Terrorism
    • Government Policy
    • Internal & External Security
    • International Security
    • Peace and Conflict Studies
    • Human Security
    • Food Security
    • Energy Security

CommandEleven is committed to publishing original material only, i.e., material that has neither been published nor is under review elsewhere.

Forms of Publications


  • 1500-3500 words, not including footnotes/endnotes
  • Each article must contain a list of keywords that will be considered for classification on our platform
  • 3-4 bullet points at the top of the article that identify the key points of the article
  • All referenced work within the article must have corresponding hyperlinks
  • Must be relevant to current events
  • Tone must be professional
  • Write short, concise sentences and paragraphs
  • Use subheadings where appropriate
  • Avoid jargon and spell out acronyms

Research Papers

  • 6000-8000 words, not including footnotes/endnotes
  • List of keywords that will be considered for classification on our platform
  • 5 bullet points at the top of the article that identify the key points of the article
  • All referenced work must be included in the footnotes/endnotes of the research paper
  • Must be relevant to current events
  • Tone must be professional
  • Write short, concise sentences and paragraphs
  • Use subheadings where appropriate
  • Avoid jargon and spell out acronyms

Publication Process

Once you make a submission, CommandEleven will acknowledge the receipt of the submission and begin the review process. If major changes are required, or there are any questions, the submission will be returned to author(s), with notations on the editor, for consideration and/or correction.

The editorial process can take anywhere from a few hours to two weeks, depending on the length and content of the articles.

If the submission is published, a link to the published submission will be sent to the author(s) and posted to CommandEleven’s social media accounts.

Author/Researcher Responsibilities

The author(s) must submit:

    • contact information, including twitter handles
    • a short biography, including qualifications and any professional/institutional affiliations
    • a professional photograph, that will be published along with the submission on our website.
  • Information Validity: The information contained in the submission for publication must present the author(s) research, as well as an objective discussion of such results and their importance. The underlying data must be presented correctly. Fraudulent and consciously inaccurate information is considered unethical and unacceptable.
  • Originality and Plagiarism: Author(s) must ensure that his/her study is completely original, and if he/she has used other persons’ books or content/ material, that must be cited appropriately.
  • Multiple Publications: Author(s) should not submit the same submission to other platforms.
  • Paternity of the Manuscript: Only the person(s) who contributed significantly to the study in question should be the author(s). If other people have been involved in some aspects of the research project, they should be mentioned in the acknowledgments. The principal author must ensure that all co-authors are included in the list of authors of the manuscript and that they have seen and approved the final version of the manuscript and agreed to the submission of the manuscript.
  • Number of Authors: An article or research paper should not exceed 3 Authors.
  • Disclosure of Information and Conflicts of Interest: All authors must indicate, because of their biographical presentation, any conflicts of interest that may affect their proposed publication. Funding for research projects (if any) that made the study possible must be indicated.
  • Errors in Publishing: If the author(s) discovers a critical error or inaccuracy in its publication, his/her obligation is to inform CommandEleven quickly and to consider, in agreement with the person in charge, the withdrawal of the article or the publication of the information about the error.
  • Author(s) to ensure that the manuscript contains nothing abusive, defamatory, libelous, obscene, fraudulent, or illegal and is not against any institution/ university, armed forces, or federal/provincial governments.
  • Authorship and Use of AI Tools: According to the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) Position Statement “AI tools cannot meet the requirements for authorship as they cannot take responsibility for the submitted work… Authors who use AI tools in the writing of a manuscript, production of images or graphical elements of the paper, or in the collection and analysis of data, must be transparent in disclosing in the Materials and Methods (or similar section) of the paper how the AI tool was used and which tool was used. Authors are fully responsible for the content of their manuscript, even those parts produced by an AI tool, and are thus liable for any breach of publication ethics.”